
How Many Animals Die Each Year Due To Animal Testing

What have humans gained from fauna testing? Are nosotros getting closer to finding a cure for HIV, cancer, and other diseases through brute experiments? These 11 animal testing statistics will assist you understand how animal experiments (don't) work and what nosotros're (not) getting out of them.

ane. Each year, more than 110 one thousand thousand animals—including mice, frogs, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, fish, and birds—are killed in U.S. laboratories.

Experimenters force animals to inhale toxic fumes, immobilize them in restraint devices, drill holes into their skulls, mutilate their brains, and burn down their skin and eyes—and if the animals don't die in the process, they're killed later. Whether it'southward for biological science lessons, medical grooming, curiosity-driven experiments, or chemic, drug, food, or cosmetics testing, these animals are confined to barren cages, socially isolated, and psychologically traumatized.

Covance Cruelty

2. Ninety-v percent of all drugs that are shown to exist safe and effective in animal tests neglect in human trials.

This stat comes straight from the National Institutes of Wellness (NIH)—the regime agency that funnels billions of our taxpayer dollars into these reckless experiments. NIH has noted that the drugs neglect in humans because they either don't work or are unsafe. Because animal trials are so unreliable, they make human ones more risky.

animal testing statistics

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3. Ninety-nine percent of the animals used in laboratories aren't covered by federal creature protection laws.

It's equally if the government were saying, "I'm sorry, but you're merely not animate being enough" to the tens of millions of rats, mice, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians who establish 99% of the animals used in laboratories yet are excluded by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and therefore denied fifty-fifty the near basic consideration. Withal, fifty-fifty animals who are supposedly "protected" under the AWA are still allowed to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, restrained, made addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged. No test—no matter how painful or trivial—is illegal. And pain relief isn't required.

© Doctors Against Animal Experiments

4. Between 2015 and 2019, more than 300,000 animals covered under the AWA were subjected to painful experiments without hurting relief.

Rabbits haven't received any pain relief in the Draize centre and skin irritation and corrosion tests since they started in the 1940s. In these tests, a substance is dripped into rabbits' optics or smeared onto their shaved peel, leaving them to endure from inflammation, ulcers, bleeding, irritated and cloudy eyes, blindness, redness, swelling, belch, and hemorrhaging.

five. A 2009 survey constitute that mice and rats used in invasive, painful surgeries were but provided with mail-operative pain relief nearly 20% of the time.

The survey found that mice and rats who were subjected to skull surgeries, burn experiments, spinal surgeries, and other horrors rarely received post-procedural pain relief. Imagine someone drilling open your skull to expose your brain only not giving y'all so much every bit an Advil.

animal testing statistics

6. More 93% of experimental cancer drugs failed in the outset stage of human clinical trials after testing "successfully" on animals.

The survey was based on about 4,500 cancer drugs developed betwixt 2003 and 2011. Artificially inducing a condition in a healthy private of a dissimilar species who is confined and isolated in stressful, unnatural conditions and so applying the results to naturally occurring diseases in humans is non only unethical just likewise ridiculous. Fifty-fifty beast experimenters acknowledge that the extreme distress that these animals endure jeopardizes the results.

We've been handicapped by the fact that we take been studying diseases in animals that don't really exist in animals. Mice … don't go schizophrenia. They don't get Alzheimer's affliction.

—Dr. Christer Nordstedt, Eli Lilly's vice president of neuroscience research

7. The chemicals that cause cancer in rats only cause it in mice 46% of the time.

If extrapolating from rats to mice is so unreliable, imagine the inefficiency of applying results from mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys to humans. Richard Klausner, former head of the National Cancer Institute, said, "The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the mouse. We take cured mice of cancer for decades and it but didn't piece of work in humans."

8. One hundred HIV vaccines take been successful in animal experiments—100% of them failed to protect humans sufficiently.

One time, an HIV vaccine that was shown to exist effective in monkeys failed in man clinical trials because it didn't prevent people from developing AIDS, and some believe that it made them more susceptible to it. According to a report inThe Independent, one conclusion was that "testing HIV vaccines on monkeys before they are used on humans, does not in fact work."

Monkeys used for experiments are often housed within tiny and virtually barren cages for their entire lives, deprived of everything that's natural and important to them.

9. Every year in the U.S., NIH blows about 47% of research funding on creature experimentation.

Approximately 47% of NIH-funded research involves animals, and in 2020, the agency budgeted nearly $42 billion for research and development—that's $19.6 billion spent on animal experiments. Only for what? Exercise you know of any cures for multiple sclerosis, West Nile virus, or muscular dystrophy? Well, there aren't any. A 2014 review paper co-authored by a Yale School of Medicine professor in The BMJ documented the overwhelming failure of experiments on animals to better human being health, concluding that "the public's continuing endorsement and funding of preclinical fauna enquiry seems misplaced."

10. Currently, 52% of U.Southward. adults oppose the utilise of animals in scientific research.

A Pew Research Center poll found that the majority of American adults oppose the employ of animals in scientific research, and other surveys suggest that the misguided folks who practice support information technology only experience that way because they wrongly believe that information technology's necessary. In an article published in The Periodical of the American Medical Clan, researchers found that medical treatments developed for animals rarely translated to humans and warned that "patients and physicians should remain cautious virtually extrapolating the finding of prominent animal research to the care of homo disease … poor replication of even high-quality animal studies should be expected."

animal testing statistics

11. Since 2017, PETA U.S. has had nearly 150 victories for animals used in experiments.

Our victories include helping engineers develop a new ventilator for COVID-xix patients without animal testing, working with the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration to eliminate animal tests for health marketing claims for foods, persuading Suave to get cruelty-free, and getting pharma behemothic Bristol Myers Squibb and others to ban near-drowning tests. PETA entities' work to end animal experiments—backed by the support of more than 9 million members and supporters worldwide—is saving countless animals.


In NIH's virtually recent 5-twelvemonth plan, the agency stated that "animal models ofttimes fail to provide good ways to mimic disease or predict how drugs will work in humans, resulting in much wasted time and money while patients wait for therapies." Beast experiments are not a good indicator of drug responses in humans or any species other than the i being exploited. Penicillin is the courage of human antibiotics, yet information technology kills guinea pigs! Aspirin kills cats and causes birth defects in rats, mice, guinea pigs, dogs, and monkeys, and morphine, a depressant in humans, stimulates goats, cats, and horses.

All these beast testing statistics tin be boiled downwardly to just 1: Brute experiments are speciesist—making them unacceptable 100% of the time. They don't work, and fifty-fifty if they did, they'd still exist unacceptable. Torturing sensitive beings isn't OK, even if someone's pretending information technology's for science or medicine—it'southward as simple as that.


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